Thursday, September 18, 2008


The Battle Between our political "leaders" continues on the issue of Energy Independence. Take a look at this video...

Some "Highlights" of what is up for grabs:
House of Reps. passes bill that allows more offshore drilling, repeals tax cuts for oil industry

Lifting of offshore drilling ban a top Republican priority

White House says bill is full of "poison pills" that show "lack of seriousness"

Prospects for bill in the Senate are unclear; time is running out before elections

Why don't we change the message and stop thinking about Drilling, and move towards Inventing.. Inventing and innovating on all fronts. Unleashing an entrepreneurial deluge of ideas, visions, and execution. Why are we still thinking about Drilling when we could invent so many other ways to generate energy independence? Is our country that incompetent that we still believe our only solution is oil? NO NO NO..I have faith in our ability to create "INTELLIGENT-ABUNDANCE." I am convinced that if our Government creates a framework of incentives that will drive investors, research and entrepreneurs to move forward we will truly unleash - THE GREEN MONSTER and thereby create a GREEN RIGHTS MOVEMENT.. I HAVE A dream!! Sound Familiar?? :)

Pilar - a BrightGreen EnviroLeader

Monday, September 8, 2008


Pilar - a BrightGreen EnviroLeader

“Every morning a Squirrel wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest car or it will be killed. Every morning a Vulcher wakes up. It knows it must hope the slowest Squirrel does not outrun the slowest car or it will starve to death. It doesn't matter whether you are a Squirrel or a Vulcher... when the sun comes up, you'd better be praying.”
Is this what we want the race for OIL to be? A hideous race? STOP our dependency on Foreign Oil, STOP our dependency on Dirty Energy sources, STOP playing Squirrel or Vulcher - Let's reinvent our SURVIVAL capacity - let's learn and be the SWAN!

Music by: David Rivera